The Road to Djúpalón and the Road to Saxhóll Crater are closed till September 22!

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Route 1

Írskrabrunnur – Gufuskálavör – Fiskbyrgi

There is an interesting circular route around Írskrabrunnur, Gufuskálavör and the fish storage huts. This trail starts from the car park at Írskrabrunnur. After visiting the wells, head in the direction of Gufuskálavör, which is a 10 minute walk. On the way, you will pass an old midden from the time when people went fishing from Gufuskálar. Boats set out from this coast in past centuries, and their keels left grooves on the rocky shore that are still visible today. Continue on Útnesvegur, past the remains of the farm at Gufuskálabær, to the fish storage huts on the edge of the lava field. The walk from Gufuskálavör to the huts takes about 25 minutes. The final section passes through the lava. Then head back and towards Írskrabrunnur.

Time: 1 hour
Distance: 2 km

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