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National Park Center’s Grand Opening Celebration in Hellissandur

We are thrilled to announce the official opening of the new national park center at

From cosmos to the Center of Earth

In recent years, French scientists have studied the geology and activity of Snæfellsjökull with a

Guided walk with a Ranger

Daily walk from the Visitor Center at Malarrifi to Lóndrangar. The walk starts at 13:00

How do Yellow Rubber Ducks and Lego bricks relate to ocean currents?

International Oceans Day is held on June 8 and we offer a special tour with

Flóruganga – Day of wild flowers

On the occasion of Wildflower Day, the Rangers at Snæfellsjökull National Park are inviting guests

Flora Walk in Búðahraun

Nourishing outdoors in nature.Park Ranger welcomes everyone to a flower walk in the Búðahrauni plant

Children’s activities with Park Ranger

Fun educational session and games for kids at the National Park Center in Hellissandur from

Guided walk between Arnarstapi and Hellnar

The history of Arnarstapi and Hellna is great and goes back a long way. Join

International Day of Rangers

We celebrate International Rangers Day to celebrate the work of rangers around the world to

Hike up to Hreggnasi

Hiking up Hreggnasa with a ranger. Guest meet up with Park Ranger at the intersection

Day of Icelandic nature

On this special day, we invite everyone to join a ranger at the Narional Park

Autumn walk around Búðahraun

We invite those interested to walk around Búðahraun with a ranger. Meeting point by the

INNI / INSIDE – Guðrún Arndís Tryggvadóttir

Welcome to the opening of Guðrún Arndís Tryggvadóttir’s exhibition INSIDE in the new National Park

June 17 Flower walk around Búðarraun

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Republic and the 30th anniversary of

Mountain run with rangers at Hreggnasi

On the occasion of Snæfellsbær’s Health Week, the rangers offer those interested in mountain running

Afternoon walk // Walk into the national park

On the occasion of Snæfellsbær’s health week, rangers invite those interested to join them for