Picnic table

Skarðsvík is a particularly lovely cove, with yellow shell sand and aquamarine seawater. The cove is surrounded by dark volcanic terrain.
An ideal spot for the whole family.

To get to Skarðsvík, take exit no. 547 on Útnesvegur onto a road that leads to Svörtuloft and Öndverðarnesviti.

Hiking trails at this resort
3 hours
500 m
6-8 km
Beruvík – Öndverðarnes – Neshraun
We start from a parking lot in the vicinity of Lambhagatjarnir. The old national route from there to Öndverdarnes runs through Nesgäta.
1.5-2 hours
500 m
3 km
Hólastígur – Móðulækur – Gufuskálar
We start from a parking lot in the vicinity of Lambhagatjarnir. The old national route from there to Öndverdarnes runs through Nesgäta.